Vision Tourist Office Lochem


Gemeente Lochem & Achterhoek Toerisme


Develop a vision for the future for VVV Lochem


Vision & Operational Plan VVV Lochem 2021-2025

Gemeente Lochem

The question

The VVV Lochem is an association with a long history. Since 1885, the organization has been working to stimulate tourism. In its history, the VVV has regularly adapted to the changing environment. VVV Lochem has had a turbulent period. The Municipality of Lochem has included in the Recreation and Tourism Vision that the VVV must regain its strength. That is why the municipality would like to work towards multi-year agreements, but also needs a clear dot on the horizon for this. DestinatieX was therefore asked to draw up a vision and strategy for VVV Lochem, including an implementation plan so that the VVV can continue with it in concrete terms.

Our approach

First of all, we conducted desk research into documents already available from the municipality or VVV. We also analyzed the exploitation of the VVV and held discussions with the board and an employee to gain insight into the operation. Subsequently, discussions were held with stakeholders, the municipality of Lochem and Achterhoek Tourism. Based on this, the challenges, wishes and needs for the coming period have been mapped out.

Het resultaat

Dit alles heeft geresulteerd in een visie waarbij enerzijds een beeld is geschetst van de veranderende bezoeker en anderzijds de opgaven voor de VVV in de komende jaren op een rij zijn gezet. Hierbij staan drie opgaven centraal:

  • Vermarkting van Lochem
  • 24/7 Informatie & Inspiratie
  • Samenspel met partners

De visie is doorvertaald in een operationeel plan. Hierbij zijn de uitvoeringsacties op een rij gezet, maar ook zijn de organisatorische en financiƫle consequenties in beeld gebracht.