Vision of physical hospitality
the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area


Amsterdam Metropolitan Area


Explore the support for a joint MRA approach to physical hospitality


Vision on physical hospitality with concrete recommendations for (joint or individual) further development

Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

The question

The question from the Metropolitan Area was on the one hand what was the status of physical information points, what their future development could look like and at what levels a joint MRA approach could be used.

Our approach

We first visited all locations of physical information points, so that we got a good impression of the current state of affairs. We also held discussions with stakeholders, such as municipalities and DMOs in the Metropolitan Area. Finally, we conducted desk research into international reports and opinions on physical hosting. Together with our own insights and vision, we have bundled these matters in a report.

The result

The result is a comprehensive report “A New Perspective on Physical Hosting” containing:
  • Information about the changing visitor
  • A description of different forms of physical hosting
  • An analysis of the existing offer of physical hospitality
  • Inspiration from visitors in the future
  • Further development of physical hospitality in the MRA
  • Recommendations for a future approach
