Policy evaluation recreation & tourism municipality of Bronckhorst


Municipality of Bronckhorst


Conduct an interim policy review with a focus on content and process


Policy evaluation including recommendations for follow-up

Bronckhorst (Achterhoek)

The question

The municipality of Bronckhorst consists of beautiful castles and ancient estates. In addition, extensive forests, meadows and babbling brooks alternate. In 2019, the municipality conducted a vision for recreation and tourism. There was a need for an evaluation halfway through the policy period.

Steps have been taken in recent years. Nevertheless, the impression is that there are opportunities to take bigger steps. Due to corona, the focus has sometimes been on other matters. Process and structure also play a role in this. The municipality has asked DestinatieX to carry out an (interim) evaluation of the policy vision. The question was to look at the goals, resources and structure and to make conclusions and recommendations for the coming years.

Our approach

We have had individual conversations with representatives of the municipality, Achterhoek Tourism Board, local tourism platforms, representative of various castles and a few entrepreneurs. Based on this, an advice was formulated, in which it was examined whether the municipality is on schedule in terms of goals. But also whether the implementation program is still up to date and how the process can be optimized.

The result

An extensive analysis was made on the basis of the interviews. On the one hand, on formulated strategic goals, state of affairs with regard to the operational goals, prioritization of actions, etc. On the other hand on the process, in which the role of the municipality and sounding board group was evaluated. In addition to conclusions, recommendations have also been formulated for the follow-up in the coming years.